Saturday 20 September 2014

A young woman isn't quite sure what she wants in life, but an older
woman is there to show her the way. Meredith is the one who finds
enlightenment in this story, with the aid of her older neighbor, Helen.

When these Meredith and Helen aren't climbing the road to Mount Orgasm,
this story falters. There is an attempt to define these characters, to
make them seem real, but the descriptions are bland and left me aching
for the story to get started. For example, we are told Meredith is shy,
but why tell us this?  Shyness is a major personality trait. Shouldn't
we be able to figure this out from the rest of the story?

Other than the sex, the story is at its best when the women are talking
to one another. I think I learned more about these women from a few
snips of quoted dialogue than from all the rest of the story combined.
The dialogue is so good, I found myself disappointed when it would
disappear for several paragraphs.

Don't get me wrong - this is not a bad story. There are some bits and
pieces that are as good as any story I've ever read in ASSM, and the
girly sex is great. I just wish this story had a little more punch up

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