Saturday 20 September 2014

The next day I got home even earlier, before five, but instead of
immediately stripping I sat down and began to read a new novel I had
bought a week or so before. I had hardly read the first page more than
five or six times before the big hand made it to the six, so I thought I
might as well read it again and maybe I would remember some of it. In
another hour or so it was already five forty-two when there was a repeat
of the previous night's bold knock. I casually put down my book and
opened the door. She was dressed in a pink warm-up suit that almost
totally concealed her body. It was incredibly provocative. "Hi, sailor,"
she said, "looking for a little action?"  and strolled into the room.
"I'm Ashleigh, remember me? I expected you to be dressed a little more
casually, or am I in the wrong house?" She stretched up and kissed me on
the cheek.

I gave her a little hug around the shoulders and steered her in. "Nope.
You found it. I'm just running a little late today. I started reading
and lost track of the time. Are you supposed to signal Jenny tonight or
will she just start as she usually does?"

"Jen says she knows when to start. I guess you do, too, but why don't
you go ahead and get comfortable, hint, hint, and we'll find something
to do until she's ready." She dropped onto the sofa.

I was ready to be casual. If it hadn't been for that pink suit I
wouldn't even have had a hard on, so I said, "Comfortable it is", and
started undressing. As luck would have it, my shorts got hung up and she
started to giggle. I was ready. Her giggle even helped. I left my
clothes on the sofa beside her, walked over to fix my drink, then went
back and sat down a few inches from her. She had not said a word while
all this was going on. When I sat down I raised my glass and said,
"Cheers." My voice broke the spell. Almost.

She turned toward me and put her right hand on my thigh. Her eyes looked
a little glassy. She poised her left hand above it and started to say
something. Her voice broke, but she recovered nicely. "Eez eet permitted
to touch?"

With one motion I put my arm around her, put my feet on the coffee
table, and replied. "Sorry, hon', but 'eet eez not yet permitted' ". She
froze. She blushed. Then her left hand came up and scratched her chin. I
could almost smell the rubber burning as her wiring overheated. She was
trying desperately to find a graceful recovery. Just as she appeared
about ready to speak, I leaned over and kissed her gently on the
forehead. She blushed again and snuggled up against me.

To be perfectly honest, I was not being perfectly honest. Although it
appeared I was trying (successfully) to establish my superiority, that
was almost purely coincidental. The embarrassing truth was that I had
developed a feeling of loyalty to Jenny, felt morally compelled to
establish her right of primacy, and had decided early on what my
reaction would be if Ashleigh came on the way I thought she would. I
have to admit, however, that the side effect on my relationship with
Ashleigh was not unsatisfying. Perhaps the ease with which Jenny had
established her dominance over me had given rise to my need to prove my
power over her friend. Or perhaps it was Ashleigh's deliberately
condescending attitude towards Jenny that made me enjoy my loyalty so
much. Or maybe it was a psychological defect. No matter. It was fun.

After a few moments of well-deserved self satisfaction I glanced at the
clock and saw that it was just after six, turned to the unprecedentedly
silent Ashleigh and suggested that the time had come to adjourn to the
bedroom. She brightened a bit and said that that suited her just fine. I
escorted her over to the desk and asked her if she would like to watch
Jenny with me or if she would rather just watch me. She replied rather
quietly that she wanted to watch me, but if she could she would like to
be where she could see Jenny sometimes, too. I said that would be fine
and maneuvered her back up against the desk next to me. I no sooner had
her in position than the light came on in Jenny's room.

She was wearing a loose knee-length blue skirt and a middie blouse, and
with her coal-black hair looked for all the world like a Japanese school
girl. My heart was in my throat, but my right arm was still around
Ashleigh, which left my good right hand out of position. I considered my
options, then realized I had an opportunity to attempt something I
hadn't tried since college:  the death-defying hands-off ejaculation. Of
all the times I had tried by pure power of concentration to rouse myself
to a state of sexual excitement which would result in orgasm, I had
succeeded only once, and that one time was suspect. Although I had
attempted to maintain pelvic immobility, I knew that at the time I had
been at least minimally stimulated by the almost imperceptible pressure
of the sheet on my naked body while I concentrated on a fantasy
involving a certain customer at a local watering hole, who felt
compelled after a few drinks to take her dress off while dancing with
her boy friend. Now, twenty years later, I had the chance to erase the
asterisk in the record book. Thankful that I had only taken a sip or two
of my drink, I set it aside. Alcohol was now my enemy.

I decided that I was grateful for Ashleigh standing next to me. I would
be able to fondle her as necessary to augment the visual stimulation
Jenny was about to provide. With her help, I would be able, I hoped, to
finally put an end to the nagging voices which for twenty years had been
calling me a cheat. I patted her on the hip and pulled her closer to me.
She was nice and firm beneath the pink. Jenny had by now crossed to the
near side of the bed. She sat down on it, picked up a magazine and
propped her feet up on a conveniently placed chair, letting her skirt
rise nearly to her waist and providing me with a view of white panties
with some kind of a small pattern. It seemed to be either clowns or
puppy dogs. She had remembered the limited view. I let my hand move up
around Ashleigh's waist. It was also nice and firm, and I remembered the
image of her breasts from the night before. I decided to savor the image
while I watched Jenny, and wait until a more timely moment to test them.

Jenny sat fidgeting while she turned pages. She crossed and uncrossed
her legs, then reached down and pressed once briefly on her crotch. She
went back to intense concentration on her magazine, becoming more and
more agitated. Finally, she abruptly pitched it aside and stood up. She
walked quickly over to the mirror and struck a pose. I knew immediately
what was coming, and I loved her for it. Her show was going to be a
portrayal of a young girl envious of the glamorous heroine of a women's
soft porn story. I decided that she and not Ashleigh deserved to be
present at the historic event of my spontaneous outburst. I allowed my
left hand to assume the position, and gently tapped Ashleigh to draw her
attention. She saw my hand, and quickly peeked around to see what was
going on in the other room. She looked up at me curiously and said in
what was almost a stage whisper, "She's not doing anything at all." She
wanted to say, but didn't, "so why are you getting so excited?"

I turned slightly to the side to make room for her and pulled her over
so she could watch with me. In answer to her unasked question I said,
"Just watch." Then, deciding that I had been a little abrupt and that
Ashleigh deserved a little consideration as well, I continued, "I think
her show is going to start picking up a little speed now, and I thought
you would want to see it." Feeling a little disloyal, but not very, I
added, "I doubt if I'll come twice tonight the way I did when I was
watching you, but I'm pretty sure you're going to be able to see at
least one fairly good shot. I'll make sure you know when it's coming."
She quickly glanced down to her left to make sure it was still where she
thought it was, then nodded silently.

Jenny had changed poses a couple of times, awkwardly thrusting out her
chest, then her hips, but was still fully dressed. Now she pulled her
middie blouse off over her head and pitched it to the floor. She
strutted back and forth a couple of times, straining against her bra,
and looking at herself from several angles, then stopped and dropped her
skirt to the floor. Ashleigh had been watching with increasing interest.
She looked up at me, and again in a stage whisper said, "She really is
pretty good, isn't she?" I just nodded and gave her a little squeeze. I
gave her a second squeeze and nodded down to where I had begun to stroke
slowly. She glanced down, put her arm around my waist, squeezed back,
dropped her hand to my thigh, and nodded acknowledgement.

Across the way, Jenny turned away from the mirror, walked over to her
closet, pulled out a flimsy negligee, and put it on. She walked back to
the mirror, made a couple of pirouettes, then stood thinking, hipshot,
with arms akimbo. I tightened my hold on Ashleigh's waist in
anticipation. Unconsciously, my left hand stopped and clamped down.
Jenny turned her back to us so she could see her profile in the mirror,
and we could see her cup her hands under her breasts and press upwards.
Then she abruptly pulled the negligee over her head and sat down on the
bed all in one motion. She reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and let
it fall to the floor. She put the negligee back on, pulled a straight
chair in front of the mirror, and stood on it, again with her back to
us. She studied herself for another moment, then pulled down her panties
and kicked them off. I had begun to approach operational speed. Ashleigh
was having difficulty trying to watch my hand without losing sight of
what was going on in the other room. I could feel her begin to tremble.
Jenny was striking pose after pose, pausing only a few seconds after

Suddenly she stopped dead, positioned about three-quarters away from us,
but with her upper torso twisted slightly to her left, toward the
mirror. She stood motionless for what seemed an eternity, and was
probably fifteen or twenty seconds, then very slowly began to pull her
negligee over her head. As first the back of her knees, then her thighs
and buttocks came into view, I could feel the leaden heat in my groin. I
half-gasped, "Ashleigh..", and squeezed her tighter still. She returned
the pressure, then began to slide down lower until her eyes were nearly
level with her object of interest. She pushed me slightly around until
she had placed Jenny's image in what appeared to be the line of fire. My
hand now rested on her shoulder. Jenny was pulling her negligee over her
head. Ashleigh began to softly chant, "go..go..go..go..", as though she
were cheering her team on. Her cheek was touching my thigh. Jenny's arms
were extended above her head, and she began a slow turn to her left.
Finally she was fully frontal to us, and I could hold out no longer.

Ashleigh's body jerked, then her right hand shot out, a splitÐsecond too
late to intercept the shot in mid-air. She moaned, then started to slump
almost as though she had fainted. It was not callousness, but simple
incapacitation, that prevented me from trying to catch her before she
fell. The initial spasm that had hit me was followed by several
aftershocks, and I was effectively paralyzed. Across the way, Jenny
dropped forward onto her bed, turning as she fell so that she landed on
her back. She arched her back off the bed, and both hands pressed at her
upper thighs. Her room suddenly went dark. My state of paralysis began
to slowly subside, and I crouched down beside Ashleigh.

She was sitting on her feet, with her hands braced against the floor.
"Are you okay?", I asked. She nodded wordlessly, and I helped her to her
feet. She pressed herself against my chest, and I was aware of her erect
nipples beneath a single layer of fabric. She was sobbing softly. I
pressed her head against my chest and gently rubbed her back. Her
sobbing continued, then turned almost imperceptibly to giggling.

"Larry, are you trying to punch an extra hole in me?", she said softly,
and gently pulled back. She had a point, or perhaps more to the point, I
had a point, and she had it. "Listen, guy. If you're still that hard you
can come again for me. You came twice last night for Jenny, remember? So
get on it. Hubba, hubba. Chop, chop. Before Jen gets here."

I had to laugh. "Okay, Ashleigh, I'll see what I can do. Come on over
here." I pulled her over toward the bed.

She jerked away, "For Christ's sake, turn the lights on", she said. "I
want a chance at this one." And she flipped the light switch.

"Okay, let's try this", I said, and partially closed the bedroom door so
that we could stand in front of the mirror. As I positioned her next to
me, I let my hand brush her nipples, then drop around her waist.

She glanced up at me quizzically, then said, "Even if I can't touch it,
I can still catch your stuff. Once it's out, it's as much mine as yours.
So there." She extended her right hand an inch in front of the source of
her objective.

"You got it", I said. "At least if I can give it to you and you can
catch it. What exactly do you propose to do with it?" I was stroking to
beat the band.

"You give it to me and you'll see," she retorted.

As excited as I still was, I didn't feel that satisfaction of her
request was imminent. I figured I might as well pull her chain a little.
"I don't think this is going to do any good," I said. "After all the
earlier excitement this evening, I'm going to need some additional
stimulation if I'm going to do any good."

"How about this?", she said, and she pulled my hand up to cup her

It could have been coincidence, but the instant my hand touched her
breast, I shot my load. She caught it. Then she looked up at me with a
pixyish look, and said, "I've heard it makes a great skin lotion." She
began to rub it over her hands, then on her neck and face. "I'd like to
give myself a complete body massage if you could provide the essentials.
You could even help rub me down if you like."

I almost came again on the spot, but was interrupted by a quiet
rapid-fire tapping at the door. As I started to go to the door, Ashleigh
grabbed me by the arm and pointed to the wet spot on her shirt where I
had been "trying to punch an extra hole". I quickly stepped back to the
desk where my drink had been languishing, picked it up and spilled part
of it on her. As I went on to answer the door, she stuck her tongue out
at me.

As soon as I opened the door, Jenny quickly slipped inside. She had
changed clothes and was wearing a simple print dress. "Was that okay,
Larry? I didn't know what I could do for you that you hadn't already
seen. Did it work out okay?"

Ashleigh laughed as she came walking up. "It sure must have. Larry was
going crazy in there. I saw part of it myself and you sure looked good
to me. I'm going to have a very tough act to follow tomorrow night."

Jenny looked at me inquisitively. I walked up, put my arms around her,
and said, "Jenny, you were magnificent! Your timing was perfect, and the
scenario was exactly right." Again I had put my robe on before I opened
the door, but nothing short of a suit of armor would have concealed my
ardor. I half expected Jenny to repeat Ashleigh's remark about punching
another hole, but she didn't even mention the phenomenon. She stood for
a moment with her head against my chest, then turned her face up and
kissed me, returning my kiss of the night before. Her breasts were
smaller than Ashleigh's, but just as hard, and her nipples were just as
erect. And she was wearing a bra. To lower the general emotional level I
asked, "How did you get the lights to go off when you dropped on the bed
like that?"

She looked up at me and grinned, "Easy, I rewired the house. Actually, I
just had a thread tied to the light switch and looped around a chair
leg." Following the long historical tradition established the night
before, we all sat down on the couch, this time with me in the middle,
but no one was in a talkative mood. Both girls sat next to me, then
Ashleigh put her outside hand on my thigh and Jenny followed suit. Jenny
glanced over at Ashleigh's drink soaked top and her shiny cheeks, but
said nothing.

Finally, almost reluctantly I broke the silence. "Jenny, could you come
a few minutes earlier tomorrow night, say five- twenty or so?" She
nodded in response, and I turned to Ashleigh. "Tomorrow, instead of
waiting for a signal, why don't you just start at a specific time,
say...five after six or so?"

I could see the wheels turning as she paused briefly, then said, "Sure.
Whatever time you like. Is that okay with you, Jen?" Jenny nodded again.
While I still held both girls next to me, I casually cupped one breast
on each to show my impartiality, simply weighing them, not touching the
nipples or exerting any real pressure, then dropped my hands to their
thighs. For a long time no one said anything, then finally Ashleigh
said, "Jen, we'd better go." There was a brief pause, then both girls
slowly disengaged and stood up.

We all walked slowly to the door. Then, in a mood diametrically opposed
to that of the night before, Ashleigh gave me a brief, almost sisterly
kiss, and walked silently out the door. Jenny turned to me and kissed me
hungrily on the lips three times, then pulled me down and whispered in
my ear, "This is a next time", and reached down and squeezed me briefly.
"See you tomorrow", she said, and walked out the door

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